[Paul's Cable Web: first homepage] or [Blissiness Web]

Bliss -I-ness means Peace *** *** Calmn ess
Bliss-I-ness - Peace - Calm is higher then joy...


This homepage is continuous changing, dynamic evolving, breathing living, never ready ending, continuous transforming, never perfect... just total: just like me...)
especially the frontdoor-pages; the newest first, the oldest later; in the end you will find the earlier, oldest in spatial-time:)

Om Namah Shivaya: i bow to the Lord who dwells in every heart: to the divine CONSCIOUSNESS in everyone...


Good today at the hour of 7 AM the second easternday 28 th of march 2005 i can say or think etc. i am ready with life , finished with life...

What about "is life ready with me?:)" "Is LIFE finished with me?".

Honestly i cant answer that question now, i have to wait for that now and now and now etc.
With every breath in pause breath out pause etc.
But even that is no problem for life at all...
Many living people , CONSCIOUSNESS es are finished with life in the same way, but life is not finished with them.

So in stead of resting in the bed, i went down to drink a cup of coffee and look for this place to put some products of the thinking machine:)

The modern version of chopping wood and taking water every nowaday, is drinking some coffee and make the day in some way...
Serve the world if you can and nothing more...
Thats all folks; thats it. ok. enough for the moment

As said above this homepage is always 'on the move' in a way that conceptualising thoughts-machinery from time to time generates some apparently


Because of more reasons the newest comes always first in 'screen' and because of the bigger growing of the indexpage, it is more easy to make in this


some crosspoint (a place with small links to the newest generated material from the toolbox thinking in the CONSCIOUSNESS and Awareness-attention-directing itsself....

Because this CONSCIOUSNESS is rather unknown in generating from Dutch to English language-symbols [i use two dictionarys to fix the translationbridge],
this CONSCIOUSNESS [me] runs spontaneous out of the daily range of doings as starting reading the newspaper and drinking some coffee... to....
conceptualising, writing, translating and building and generating a new leaf in this homepage...
Because of idleness some words getting a little faults or 'non correct' spell or formgiving... thats as it is...
And because English is not motherlanguage and much typical words have to be translated eh.... searched for in two dictionaries...

Here comes the first fresh crosspointpage-link:

2 feb. 2005 after a multimedia presentation on school about addiction (general smoking, drinking, cocaine etc.) and some debating after.
Take attention here: it is not a regenerating of that evening; just a follow up conceptualising in the light of CONSCIOUSNESS and Awareness,
and the apparently only freedom where to put Attention in every split second of life...

what takes form on 1 march 2005


16 hour [about gmt:)] time as playground now...:)
Some books; some in english, some in dutch , some both.

Metanoia: over psychiatrie, psychotherapie en bevrijding. - Jan Foudraine.
Ontwaken in de droom: illusie of werkelijkheid / Awakening to the dream. - Leo Hartong.
Het open Geheim / the open secret. - Tony Parsons.
Zoals het is: dialogen over het open geheim / As it is: dialogues on the open Secret. - Tony Parsons.
Niemand hier... dialogen / All there is this [ : part one]. - Tony Parsons.
Niemand daar... dialogen / All there is this [ : part two]. - Tony Parsons.
Zoek geen antwoord: waarom levensvragen nergens toe leiden /The question to life's answers. - Steven Harrison.
Doe niets / Doing nothing. - Steven Harrison.
Je bent al een meditatiemeester: wat meditatie is, wat het niet is, en hoe het zo gekomen is / Getting to where you are. - Steve Harrison.
Non-dualisme: de directe bevrijdingsweg. - Philip Renard.

30 january 2005:
The only layers of confusion are WHAT our 'conditioned thinking mind' presents us AS WHAT we guess to SEE:)!!!
The trap between WHAT we as divorced persona think, feel, experience, instead of WHAT we as pure undividable Consciousness,
whithout that interfering passed and illusoiry masking dusty perception colored glasses, DIRECT can SEE!!!
Not yesterday, not future: NO just here and now...
This small difference makes 'our' lives to a hell, a paradise and all in between....
We are not so separate as we think; our inner eternal background is living and forgotten, can recognised again see...
It is pure awareness and CONSCIOUSNESS : but layers of dust, layers of conditionings, layers on layers on layers set us in a private yail.
I forget it myself and time to time it comes up as 'depression' etc...
Then i have to pick up a book or a photo or a living vibe of recognition again.

A clear empty 100%attentive state IS wisdom; wisdom with compassion IS the path or method...
Realising and seeing the pure silence of emptiness, shunyata is wisdom, wherein
developping and realising qualities of compassion and open-handedness generosity liberality is wisdom's method and medium...
-.-.-. Tenzin Wangyal [Rinpoche] -.-.-.
Further on the page mentioned book of Tenzin Wangyal [Rinpoche].

19 dec. 2004: added... the wonderfull book that gives insight in: to evolve and transform from duality to oneness,,,
to evolve and transform from logicaltimemindedwest vs intuitivehereandnowmindedeast to one world one spirit,,,
to evolve and transform from two complementary brainparts: the left logical side and the intuitive rightside to one whole brain again,,,
To let meet the forgotten in orgin West contribution from the Maya's with the in origin East contribution from India-China,,,
West encounters East and both [dualist] complementaries unite in one whole non-dualist world...

The book is showing how the whole world grows to a state of 'i am you' service-compassion-CONSCIOUSNESS , by dismantling the old habits of
the persons, towns, nations etc. apart and giving a first place to the real needs of compassionlove etc. above the oldfashioned
materialistic-ego, that divides the world in i and them, in i and they, in the good i and the wrong them, in good and evil...
In reality we get the insight that we all MAKE an illusoiry dualistic division in good and evil by our split mind and that we even
do everything to keep this oldfashioned viewpiont[s] strongly alive,
because we forgot the unity from longtime ago after the lost of the 'paradise',
we all have to reemerge, to retransform back to that forgotten unity, which lays deep down in our origin behind layers and layers
of growing wrong...: in other words we still have to recognise what we really are and also really bear with us with every breathe
reborn again, only an awakening is needed from a longtime dream: the maya where we are fallen in...

In Dutch: De Maya Kalender en de transformatie van het bewustzijn by Carl Johan Calleman search nowadays in Google.
In English:
The Mayan Calendar: and the Transformation of Consciousness
by Carl Johan Calleman and search also in Google nowadays.

Realising and seeing the pure silence of emptiness, shunyata is wisdom, wherein
developping and realising qualities of compassion and open-handedness generosity liberality is wisdom's method and medium...
-.-.-. Tenzin Wangyal [Rinpoche] -.-.-.
in his book: >>>HEALING with form, energy and light.
and also translated in Dutch : De helende kracht van de elementen.
Further another book of Tenzin Wangyal

Pure silence calmness witness IS you; freeed and dismantled from all layers [objectivities] clinged before...
Go deep and look inside finding some that bears the name 'you' and 'I', only silence and space AND 100% awareness CONSCIOUSNESS , ready attentive calmness resides as 'you' as 'I'...


The utterly most unfree people are the utterly most clinging people...
The really free people do'n't even know how to cling... they understand the foolishness...
They use only that what they need really...
If one sees the stupidity of clinging, one becomes real and free and aware one IS... without reason of any mind [read tool]...

4 december 2004:
Today comes in mind the intuition - feeling that all struggle on the outside is a resonance of the inside 'personal' struggle.
All struggle is against that part that denies etc.
Because there seem to be others outside and inside: in reality that other outside and inside is fake.
Only fighting against conditionings, barriers etc. which are well known inside and outside!!!
Something not known is not possible to struggle and fight against!!!
So accepting that all is inside whether as seemingly extremes and poles, whether as complementaries,
is moving to the middle and SEE this all happen in billions of manifestations, of manifesting CONSCIOUSNESS [es]...
Accepting is going beyond, becoming non dual, becoming whole again as were you reborn in a spiritual way now...
But its not so easy, day to day, moment to moment with every breating out leave the old and encounter the new with breathing in..
The conditioned historic mind seems to claim a fake conditioned future mind...
Both are samsara; reality is that a Here and Now transforming CONSCIOUSNESS IS in the eternal presence background awareness which is witness of all manifestings.

21 november 2004:
Remarquable day; around july 1969 in military service i get the saying: do it for freedom and some word i use then...
But in reality i can not say the right word - idea - concept then.
Today i have the solution: there is freedom from and freedom for; which are really different freedom[s]...
Freedom from mostly is recognised by many....
But freedom for means after gathered the first freedom (which freedom bears a great responsability inside),
everyone can ask what to do with this freedom, devoiding one's gets sadness or feeling lost or empty????
The answer is freedom for doing that what is your creativity blooming in the world; you as seed become a flowering...
Just freedom to evolve , transform from seed to what you can become, your talents getting wings etc.
Nothing more is needed in this world.
So Grown up by and through many conditionings, now is the time to go beyond that all and become aware whatfor
you become first free of and after that you become aware becoming free for your creativity bringing in this world...
i get this from the book of Osho: Freedom: the courage to be yourself.
up to now i can not find the book on www... so the link is missing here.
The title is right still.

The elements rotating: Yellow element earth (foods: especially the [organic] metal-salts) supplied with Blue element water transforms in Red element fire-energy set in action by Green element air (O2) coming from the woods.

Resulting in a four [like the 4 seasons too] cycled transforming motion of Tao - pure CONSCIOUSNESS , awareness... IS continuum as clear light hidden inside everyman living.

Because of the sun all 'starts' with light-energy and ends with light-energy hidden deep inside as clear light of awareness pure CONSCIOUSNESS .

The law of Maintenance of energy: Light into energy into mass etc.; one form transforming in another...

Nothing is spend or lost: all is in the continuum rotating, recycling, just Tao - transformating every split second and with every breathe - in - out moving...
Spiritually upward...

Every split second, every breathe-in-g is a new born refreshing YOU[-WORLD], after every split second breath-out leaving the old skin...

Just like the surface of the sea with ebb and flow, low tide and high tide and the CO2 assimilation by the trees and the four seasons rotating spring summer autumn winter by the rotation of the earth around the sun and its day - night turning around his axis...

Just samsara and maya and illusion hide a clear sight on the reality which is interdependency of all transforming forms and manifestations.

In reality IS ONE VIBRATING dynamical continuum transformating rotating living earth seen from the moon:)...

You come into this CONSCIOUSNESS with every separate breath -in-g again and again reborn for a 'lifetime'...

Pleasure is outside coming from earthly origine: find out what is the meaning:) and look at your senses.
Happiness is outside coming more psychologically: in a way you depend on it as you stay clinging it...too.

Now the independent sources coming from inside, being hidden by the outside samsara worldy things...
Joy is coming from the inside; its a gift of birth to everyone; has no dependency: its free: its streaming always when recognised again...
Bliss is the innermost core-source of every born being: its our inside clear light and the bottom of our awareness...
This inside clear light is independent of the outer world samsara...
This bliss is eternal and knows no birth and no dead : it lives still while you are sleeping deep and rejuvenating the body.
Its even not bound by space and time: it has no form, it is eternal transforming freedom: you as Pure CONSCIOUSNESS ...
Because its core of all living people, everyman can re-emerge, re-wakeup in that pure CONSCIOUSNESS with every breathe again...
Really every breath in is a new reborn again possibility and really every breathe-out is a chance to leave the old skin behind,
every 'split second' there comes, transforms, grows a new YOU, getting more aware, more counscious...
Going to the eternal core of clear light bliss inside, going to your origine again...
Not bound by the small pleasures depending of the gross; but free independent...
The only depency that stays is interdependency in the dualityworld of samsara: the world as you know very well, i guess
Once beyond duality, there is only one world with splendid forms in time and space: one reality in billions of manifest

18 november 2004: joy the happiness that comes from within
17 november 2004: Freedom: the courage to be yourself: both books by Osho.
The last book about Freedom i cant find on the moment on the www; still it exists here and now.

16th november 2004
The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

Or the book in Dutch: De werkelijkheid van slapen en dromen door Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
This is the last book i traveled through by reading... ... beautifull and marvelous...

If you know it all you can enjoy This imaginary stuff...

8 oktober 2004: i found the book 'Vrij Zijn' [in Dutch] by Wolter A. Keers.

Wolter A. Keers know Ramana Maharshi and translate 'I am That' part one and part two by Ni(s)sargadatta Maharaj in Dutch.
In Dutch: 'Ik ben' and 'Zijn'.

SAT is the CONSCIOUSNESS toward the body and its awareness of the senses as manifesting in form - wave.
CHIT is the CONSCIOUSNESS toward the mind and its awareness of the thinking process as manifesting in form - wave.
ANANDA is the CONSCIOUSNESS toward the feelings and awareness of the feelings as manifesting in form - wave.

So CONSCIOUSNESS manifests itsself as pure eternal HERE and NOW clarity; formless presence, ...
which can take in time space many forms, many manifestations as SAT CHIT ANANDA waves...

In the counscious ocean are often no waves like a bodyfeeling manifestation , a thinking manifestation, a feeling manifestation.
That means not that nothing exists, only that no thing is as object; exsists near the counscious subject 'I AM'.
The counscious subject 'I AM' still exsists always and eternal in the only here and NOW moment... as background and forgotten mostly.

Whether sleeping, dreaming , waking: the CONSCIOUSNESS is permanent underlaying present...
In waking and dreaming the cousciousness moves from formlessness in a form - wave; that is all what happens.
In sleeping the CONSCIOUSNESS (subject action object - form - wave - manifestation) is not active, but passive unmanifested presence...
So CONSCIOUSNESS is a permanent present 'I AM', whether it transforms into a form - wave - manifestation or it does not at all.
When the object and the action disappear, (for instance the seen and seeing), the subject (the see-er) seems to disappear too;

but the subject (the see-er) does not disappear; the always present underlaying formless CONSCIOUSNESS 'I AM' stays inactive present still.

That is not nothing; thats what we all are made of: pure eternal CONSCIOUSNESS , clarity, formless... unmanifested presence...
This is not equal to emptiness; read this over and over until you see the crux; the essential point...

At that moment eternal here and now CONSCIOUSNESS as 'I AM' exists, clarity pure... freedom...

Meditation is a tool to reach to a awake CONSCIOUSNESS with NO-mind-action-manifestation inside [bodyaware wave, thought wave, feeling wave],
No thing moves in the clear pure formless CONSCIOUSNESS .
Without 'object', 'action' and the mostly forgotten 'subject' or as example the seen, seeing and see-er, pure awareness CONSCIOUSNESS IS.
CONSCIOUSNESS is like an ocean without moving waves, formless, clearness, silence, peace;
still awake and eternal omni present.
This formless CONSCIOUSNESS is pure openness, receptivity, sensitivity, readiness, peace, silence: pure 'I AM' awareness...

In the end can be seen how in the omni present CONSCIOUSNESS (ocean, {film} screen) activities, moves, manifestations, feelings, thoughts etc.
take place and also the 'empty' passages...

So the formless unmanifested CONSCIOUSNESS (ocean or screen) IS permanent TRANSFORMING between 'formless emptiness' and billions of manifestations (moving waves or pictures).
Do not guess that the spaces, the 'empty spaces' have no essential exsistence!!!
So deep sleep, dreaming and waking and all 'emptiness spaces of inactivity' happen in the same Permanent Counsiousness!!!
Such a thing as nothing does really not exists, just no thing as object can exsist along 'I AM' as subject...
See this clear; let it become aware in [-y-our-] CONSCIOUSNESS ...
And become free of all illusions that did forgot your real SELF-INGROUND whether active or inactive 'I AM' ness.
Become free-ed of imaginations on the screen, become the subject=see-er itself free-ed of all objects...
In that living vibing silence you are free: ananda = bliss is not coming from any object,
it is your birthright, you are bliss...
SAT CHIT ANANDA you are born in and with and it will never leave you...
If you are pure CONSCIOUSNESS , 'I AM' , you never die , never are born, need no more 'lives'...
Because the 'personal' "illusoiry" CONSCIOUSNESS is reaching to the omni-permanent vast formless 'I AM' CONSCIOUSNESS ,
you were it always; just you forgot that you are that 'I AM' CONSCIOUSNESS ...
So you are always and permanent free-ed; the only option is to awake and see what you really are.

Otherwhile If you know nothing, you are really ready and arrived where you always
where as pure CONSCIOUSNESS and you are complete and beyond beyond... beyond...:)
Good luck...
OM - aum NAMAH SHIVAYA: i bow to the [Self] in everyone: ik buig tot het [Zelf] in iedereen...

If you know it all you can enjoy This imaginary stuff...

[Paul's Cable Web: first homepage] or [Blissiness Web]