Welcome reader on this website.
It is rather impossible to say and try to write what this website is handling about:).
It is better to take a look inside one of the many pages written since december 1997.
Actual there are little more new writings coming on the start.
The beginning is now far hidden in the end:).
Enter here: Paul Spauwen Blissiness |
Other pages:
Short experience |
Bliss-I-ness Web |
Paul's Cable Web: the first homepage |
Motor page |
NEW response and Guestbook for writing:) |
A list of webspaces |
Paul Spauwen s library online list |
Blissiness.nl a website partial in Dutch written.
From 22 july to 6 august 2010 motorbiketrip to French Alps and San Remo
All time release:
"- witness the moves in consciousness"
Last rewritten 28 november 2010. Created with Kladblok